Place of Birth : Pandeglang, Banten Indonesia
Date of Birth : September 19, 1976
S e x : Male
Marital Status : Married
Religion : Islam
Home Address : Gria Jakarta, Jl Kemang Blok 7/3 Pamulang, Tangerang. Indonesia
Phone : +62-21-74646160
Mobile : +62-812-94431
E-Mail :
- Member of Parliament of Republic Indonesia, Golongan Karya Party Faction (2014 – 2019)
- Member of Parliament of Republic Indonesia, Golongan Karya Party Faction (2009 – 2014)
- Staff of Advisory Council of The President Republic of Indonesia (2007- 2009)
- Special Staff of Member Parliament of Republic of Indonesia (2004- 2007)
- Lecturer Islamic State University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia (2003 – Now )
- Executive Director of the Indonesian Institute for Civil Society (INCIS). (2001-2004)
- Secretary of Islamic Boarding School (Pondok Pesantren) An-nizhomiyyah Jaha Labuan Pandeglang Banten Indonesia (1998-now)
Educational Background :
- Doctoral Program of the Padjadjaran University Bandung, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Department of Government Studies. It was completed in 2014 with GPA 3,48.
- Postgraduate Degree of the University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Department of Anthropology. It was completed in 2004 with the GPA: 3, 4.
- Undergraduate Degree of the State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Jakarta, Faculty of Adab (Culture) and Humanity. It was completed in 2000 with the GPA: 3.25.
- Islamic Senior High School (Madrasah Aliyah Negeri) Sukamanah Tasikmalaya, 1991-1994
- Islamic Junior High School (SMP Islam) Pondok Pesantren Cipasung Tasikmalaya, 1988-1991
- State Elementary School I (SD Negeri I) Labuan, Pandeglang 1982-1988
Other Educations:
- Ohio University Dialogue Project and Exchange Program For Islamic Leaders, September, 23 – October, 13, 2004;
- Exchange Program of Young Politician of Golkar Party to Japan held by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Februari 7 – 27, 2007;
- Exchange Program of Youth Politician of Golkar Party to Germany held by Konrad Adenaeur Stiftung (KAS), 10 – 19 November 2008;
Organizational and Activities Experience:
- Chairman for Media and Opinion Raising of the Central Board of the Golongan Karya Party, Indonesia (2014-2019)
- Vice Secretary General of the Central Board of the Golongan Karya Party, Indonesia (2014-2019)
- Head of Department of the Central Board of the Golongan Karya Party, Indonesia (2009-2014)
- Department of Religious Affairs of the Central Board of the Golongan Karya Party, Indonesia (2006-2009)
- Deputy Chairman for International Relation of Youth Movement of ANSOR (Youth Organization of Nahdlatul Ulama), 2011-2015
- Deputy Chairman of Angkatan Muda Pembaharuan Indonesia (Youth Wing Organization of Golkar Party), 2010-2015
- Vice Secretary General of the Central Board of Mass Organization MKGR, founder of GOLKAR Party, 2010-2015
- Member of Foreign Affairs, Security-Defense affairs and Communications Department of the Central Board of ICMI (Ikatan Cendekiawan Muslim Indonesia, Indonesian Scholar Muslim Association) 2005-2010
- President of Student Executive Board of State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Jakarta (1998-1999)
- Chairman of Student Council of Adab and Humaniora Faculty (Culture), State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Jakarta (1997-1998)
- Vice Chairman of HMI (Association of Muslim Students) of Ciputat Branch, Indonesia (1998-1999)
- Activist of Ciputat Student Forum (Forum Mahasiswa Ciputat [FORMACI]) (1995-2001)
- Member of Editor of al-Turats Journal for Islam and Civilizasition Studies, Published by Faculty of Adab (Culture) and Humaniora, State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Jakarta, (2000)
- Chief of Editor “Bulletin INCIS for Civil Society Empowering” Published by Indonesian Institute for Civil Society, (2002-now)
- Project Director the Project “The Challenge and Prospect of Civil Society in Jakarta and Tangerang,” which was funded by CSSP-USIAD (Civil Society Strengthening and Supporting Program – United State Agency for International Development), September 2002 – Marc 2004;
- Project Director the Project “The Assessment of Civil Society on Public Service in Jakarta,” which was funded by The Partnership for Governance Reform in Indonesia and United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 2004-2005:
- Team Leader of Training Program on “Education Development for the Chief of Administration of Pesantrens (Islamic Boarding Schools) in Indonesia,” which was funded by The Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia and Asian Development Bank (ADB), 2002;
- Team Leader of Training Program on “The Management of Madrasah Aliyah (Senior High School) for Madrasah (School) Vice Principle in Indonesia,” which was funded by The Ministry of Religious Affairs of Indonesia and Asian development Bank (ADB), 2001
- “Kenicayaan Globalisasi dan Nasib Civil Society [Globalization and Civil Society], as Editors, 2005: Indonesian Institute for Civil Society;
- “Muhammad Arifin Ilham: Komunitas Sufi Urban di Indonesia [Muhammad Arifin Ilham: The Model of Urban Sufism in Indonesia], 2004: Bandung, Hikmah Kelompok Mizan
- Demokrasi dan Civil Society: Survey tentang Partisipasi Publik di Jakarta [Democracy and Civil Society: A Survey on Public Participation in Jakarta], 2003. Jakarta: Indonesian Institute for Civil Society.
- Membangun Organisasi Berbasis Masyarakat: Sebuah Modul Pelatihan untuk Penguatan Masyarakat Sipil. Jakarta: Indonesian Institute for Civil Society (INCIS), 2003
- Pengorganisasian Rakyat: Sebuah Modul Pelatihan untuk Penguatan Masyarakat Sipil. Jakarta: Indonesian Institute for Civil Society (INCIS), 2003
Book’s articles
- Sufi Kota: Komunitas Arifin Ilham (Urban Sufism: The Arifin Ilham’s Model), in Gerakan Keislaman Pasca Orde Baru (Islamic Movement Post New Order), 2006, Jakarta, Published by Religious Affairs Department of Republic of Indonesia
- “Demokrasi dan Kepercayaan” [Democracy and Trust]” in Lutfhie Asy-Syaukani (eds.), Wajah Liberal Islam di Indonesia [Islamic Liberalism in Indonesia], 2000. Jakarta: TUK and Jaringan Islam Liberal.
- “Multikulturalisme: Prasyarat Demokrasi, in Burhanuddin (ed.), Civil Society dan Pemberdayaannya. Jakarta: INCIS, 2003.
- “Menggali Akar Sejarah Islam Indonesia” in Al-Turats Journal for Islam and Civilizasition Studies, Jakarta: Faculty of Adab (Culture) and Humaniora, IAIN Jakarta, 1999.